Project Objectives

Main objective

This project seeks to conceptualize, measure and critically analyze youth participation and the mediating role of digital technology and informatization in the governance of Colombia's intermediate cities. It offers interdisciplinary, cross-regional, comparative and mixed methods research on what and how technologies and governance innovations are employed by youth actors, municipal governments and other urban actors.

Research objectives:

Understand the contributions of more empowered youth actors to local democracy and multilevel urban governance in decentralized urban systems.

Assess the successes and failures of digitally enabled youth participation and digital age governance in middle-income intermediate cities.

Identify opportunities to strengthen progressive and democratic urban governance by empowering youth actors.

Our team

Philipp Rode

LSE Cities, LSE / Principal Investigator

I grew up in the "urban countryside" of southern Germany, where I was involved in youth politics in my hometown. My enthusiasm for urban life took me to Berlin in the mid-1990s where I studied transportation systems engineering. Realizing that transportation could not be conceived apart from urban planning and design, I furthered my studies in London and went into transportation planning in New York.

Based at the London School of Economics and Political Science since 2001, I am now simultaneously researching, teaching and advising on urban development and governance with a growing interest in the political dimension of local democracy.

For me, NextGenC combines my initial interest in youth agendas in local politics, curiosity about the role and risks of digital technologies for deliberative practices, and my admiration for urban development in Colombia.

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Catalina Duarte

LSE Cities, LSE / Policy Officer and project manager

I am from Bogota, Colombia and have been living in London, UK for the last 3 years. I currently work at LSE Cities as a policy officer. I did a master's degree in Urban and Regional Planning from LSE, and my undergraduate degree was in Urban Development and Management.

Most of my professional experience is in Latin America, where I have worked in international organizations, the public sector and academia in the areas of municipal and metropolitan governance, democracy and urban transportation.

From my work at NextGenC, what I am passionate about is understanding the ways in which youth express themselves and make their voices heard in their cities.

Nuno Ferreira da Cruz

LSE Cities / Co-principal investigator

I grew up in a small riverside town just outside Lisbon. While living in the Portuguese capital, I became curious about the ways we organise ourselves in society. How we make decisions about our future – such as on infrastructure investments or the rules that must be followed.

In 2014, I moved to the UK to join the London School of Economics and Political Science. After 10 incredible years, I have recently returned to Portugal. I am now an Associate Research Professor at GOVCOPP, University of Aveiro, and a Senior Associate at LSE Cities.

For an interdisciplinary academic working in the field of urban governance, NextGenC has all the ingredients of a fascinating project. We will be able to investigate many of the forces that shape the way urban policy decisions are made. And the extent to which young people are part of that process.

<h4>Nuno Ferreira da Cruz</h4>LSE Cities / Co-investigador principal
<h4>Friederike Fleischer</h4> Universidad de los Andes / Investigadora principal

Friederike Fleischer

Universidad de los Andes / Principal investigator

I am a professor of anthropology at the Universidad de los Andes. My research in China and Colombia focuses on how we live in the city and particularly on urban inequality. My latest projects examined how domestic workers move around the city and how life is in low-income housing developments. I am fascinated by cities and in my spare time I like to travel to different cities around the world and also read about them.

I am excited to work in the NextGenC project because of the contact with young people and their social movements in different parts of the country.

Lina María Martínez

Universidad ICESI Principal investigator

I am from Manizales, Colombia. Philosopher, Master in Education and Public Policy and Ph.D in Public Policy. Researcher, professor and director of POLIS at Universidad ICESI. I have been a consultant at the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank on educational policies in Latin America.

My research focuses on subjective wellbeing, mental health, social mobility and urban policies. I am passionate about researching, reading, teaching and working with young people.

The NextGenC project is an opportunity to learn more about the narratives, problems and dynamics that move young people in their construction of a more equitable and inclusive society.

<h4>Lina María Martínez</h4> Universidad ICESI / Investigadora principal
<h4>María Cecilia Dedios Sanguinetti</h4>Universidad de los Andes / Co-investigadora principal

María Cecilia Dedios Sanguinetti

Universidad de los Andes / Co-Principal Investigator

I grew up in Lima, Peru where I studied psychology. My interest in understanding the influence of culture on how we think and how we relate to each other led me to live and study in Argentina, the United States and the United Kingdom where I completed a PhD in social and cultural psychology.

I am currently a professor at the School of Government at the Universidad de los Andes in Bogota (Colombia) where I have researched mental health and well-being, youth, and public policy. NextGenC combines my interest in youth work with research on organizational strategies and their connections to well-being.

Daniel Sánchez

Universidad de los Andes / Researcher

My name is Daniel Sanchez, I am a young man born in Bogota, an anthropologist from the Universidad de Los Andes with academic options in Cultural Heritage and Social Psychology. I am currently pursuing a master's degree in Sociocultural Anthropology at the same university.

As part of the NextGenC team, I am interested in learning about and thinking together with young people about the possible futures we are seeking to build.

I am interested in applied qualitative research in urban contexts around issues such as social inequality and care work. I enjoy knitting, traveling and spending time with family and friends.

<h4>Daniel Sánchez</h4> Universidad de los Andes / Investigador

Luisa Leyton Londoño 

Universidad de los Andes / Investigadora

Soy caleña. Profesional en Gobierno y Asuntos Públicos, economista y magíster en Políticas Públicas de la Universidad de Los Andes.
Mi trabajo ha estado enfocado en el acompañamiento a organizaciones juveniles y étnicas, investigando sus formas de participación e incidencia política y comunitaria. He desarrollado gran parte de mi labor en el Pacífico colombiano y Caquetá, lo que me ha permitido comprender de cerca cómo los jóvenes hemos sido protagonistas en la transformación del país.
NextGenC es una oportunidad para seguir explorando cómo los liderazgos juveniles están cambiando sus territorios, además de entender los desafíos que enfrentan en estos procesos.

<h4>Luisa Leyton Londoño</h4> Universidad de los Andes / Investigadora

María Isabel Zafra

Universidad ICESI / Researcher

I am from Cali, Colombia. Economist and Master in Economics. I work as a research associate and lecturer at the Public Policy Observatory of the ICESI University.

My work experience includes design, monitoring, analysis, evaluation and coordination of urban and social projects. My academic interests revolve around issues associated with security, mobility, subjective wellbeing, informal economy and microfinance. I enjoy research, a good book, eating and salsa dancing.

NextGenC is a great platform for young people to expose their needs and dynamics at the local level and connect them with the government to generate more inclusive cities.

<h4>María Isabel Zafra</h4> Universidad ICESI / Investigadora
<h4>María Fernanda Alomia</h4>Universidad ICESI / Investigadora

María Fernanda Alomia

Universidad ICESI / Researcher

I am from Cali, Colombia. Psychologist and Master in Social and Political Studies. I work as a researcher at the Public Policy Observatory of the ICESI University.

I have worked in the coordination of research and social intervention projects. I am interested in research on topics such as health promotion with intercultural approach, mental health, public policy and education. I enjoy writing, athletics and manual arts.

NextGenC is a space that recognizes and integrates the voices and actions of young people from each territory, allowing to make visible the challenges of governance in different cities, in terms of inclusion and social mobility.


Juana Leal

Despacio / Local impact and engagement leader

Architect and urban planner, leader of Despacio's Healthy Cities Area. Landscape, nature and people's wellbeing have been cross-cutting themes in my work, through projects of technical and political complexity that are developed at different scales. This has allowed me to lead multidisciplinary groups, coordinate the design of methodologies, and work with diverse stakeholders through the implementation of participatory processes.

In parallel, I work as a professor in the Faculty of Architecture at the Universidad de los Andes, and I advance independent initiatives with community and artistic collectives, and collaborations with the IAVH.

<h4>Juana Leal</h4> Despacio / Líder de impacto y participación local
<h4>Freddie Bossa</h4>Despacio / Oficial de comunicaciones

Freddie Bossa

Despacio / Communications officer

Social communicator and journalist from Universidad del Valle, with a master's degree in Strategic Communication from Universidad Santiago de Cali. Raised in the District of Aguablanca, in the east of Cali, when I started working for the first time I decided to let my hair grow and since 2016 I have not cut it.

I have been part of the newsrooms of Diario ADN, El País and Diario Occidente, among others, and I participated in the Fellowship of Journalism of the Falling Walls Foundation of Germany.

I think NextGenC can be a great opportunity to get to know more about the youth of my country and the way they relate to technology and politics.

Alejandra Ramírez

Despacio / Youth engagement officer

I am from Cali, Colombia. Professional in Social Communication and Journalism, with a Master's degree in Development Studies with a focus on Human Rights, Gender and Conflict Studies. My work experience has revolved around communication and education for social change with young people.

My academic interests and publications revolve around issues of human rights, justice and empowerment of Afro-Colombian women affected by the internal armed conflict. I enjoy embroidery, reading and traveling.

At Despacio I am a pedagogical advisor and I believe NextGenC will make an important contribution to the academic literature on youth and governance in Colombia


<h4>Alejandra Ramírez Bermeo</h4>Despacio / Oficial de juventudes

Cécile Roth

UCLG / Global impact and engagement leader

After growing up in the French Pyrenees, the Caribbean and Guyana, I studied development aid and urban planning. Research on migration trajectories to informal settlements in Buenos Aires led me to urban segregation in Mexico City, and then to advocate the role of local public services for equality.

Currently working with United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG), in the Strategic Partnerships, Research, and Advocacy teams at the international level, on local governance, inequalities, gender equality and youth, to create just and sustainable cities and territories.

Together with local feminist leaders, including younger ones, I am committed to promoting local democracy, catalyzing mutual empowerment and collective action.

<h4>Cécile Roth</h4>UCLG / Líder de impacto y participación global
<h4>Ainara Fernández Tortosa</h4>UCLG / Investigadora

Ainara Fernández Tortosa

UCLG / Researcher

I am an urban planner from Andalusia, southern Spain. I am currently working for the Research department of United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG). I have a Master's degree in Urban Public Policy from Sciences Po University, Paris, and a degree in International Business Economics from Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona.

My main interest within NextGenC is how local public policy can counteract the inequalities that people experience based on the bodies and territories they inhabit.

Anna Calvete Moreno

UCLG / Researcher

I was born in Barcelona. I work in the areas of Research, Migration and Monitoring of United Cities and Local Governments. I am a lawyer and I have a master's degree in gender studies and another in International Law.

I am passionate about working for the democratization of cities and territories, promoting new ways for local governments to be guarantors and promoters of human rights and justice for all.


External consultants

  • Diana Ramírez: External consultant on local governments
  • Karen Naundorf: External consultant on communications
  • María Andrea García: External consultant on youth and violence

Affiliated Partners

  • Richard Lemoine-Rodríguez: Würzburg University/German Aerospace Center (DLR)

Advisory board

  • Austin Zeiderman: Associate Professor of Geography Departmentof Geography and Environmentat the LSE.
  • Gareth Jones: Director of Latin America and Caribbean Centre, Department of Geography and Environment at the LSE
  • Alcinda Honwana: Former Strategic Director at the Firoz Lalji Institute for Africa and Centennial Professor at the LSE Department of International Development
  • Andres Alberto Lombana Bermudez: Assistant Professor of Communication, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Special Advisoron Genderand Diversity, Inter-American Development Bank
  • Diana Rodríguez Franco: Former Secretary for Women’s Affairs of the City Government of Bogota, Colombia